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Middle Eastern Female

Explaining how allegations against faculty are handled

Offer information about university responses to sexual assault allegations against faculty members, as provided for by faculty collective agreements.

During several focus groups, students pointed out that faculty members are sometimes guilty of sexually harassing or assaulting students. For students from some cultural regions, this is a common occurrence and a source of anxiety. However, university SA/SV policies may not apply to faculty in significant respects due to faculty collective agreements. It is important that information about what happens in the case of a complaint against a faculty member be available to students. It should be clear whether and how such situations differ from cases where complaints are filed by one student against another. As suggested under the recommendation “Providing clarity about overlapping policies,” Procedures followed in the case of complaints against faculty members could be described in a separate document which would appear on the university website alongside the SV/SA policy, and any other related documents (e.g., Harassment & Discrimination policies), each with its purpose clearly identified.