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Good2Talk: 1-833-292-3698
or text GOOD2TALKNS to 686868

Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner program for the Halifax area:

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Chinese Male

Recommendation Resources

The CARMA Chronicles

CARMA Chronicles is a podcast featuring interviews with "the world's leading Healing Centered practitioners. Listen to their stories, ideas and examples of how they are implementing Healing Centered principles in their communities."

Reaching and Engaging Male Survivors of Sexual Violence

Offered by the National Sexual Violence Resource Centre (NSVRC), the webpage Reaching and Engaging Male Survivors of Sexual Violence provides an overview of the barriers to support-seeking among male survivors as well as links to several useful "Resources on Working with Male Survivors" and media to raise awareness about this issue in a wide range of mediums and formats.

Survivors of Sexual Abuse and Assault Reveal and Important Truth

This video is part of the 1in6 campaign, named to recognize the fact that at least 1 in 6 men have been sexually abused or assaulted. Many other videos have also been produced by this organization featuring men telling their stories.

Man Talk

Man Talk is "A confidential, emotionally supportive group for male victims of sexual abuse." The webpage explains that "ManTalk is offered in an open format; once someone completes an intake he is welcome to attend as often as he likes. Many members come for awhile, take a break, and return as needed. We meet twice monthly. [...] Men who are not yet ready or otherwise not a fit for group are usually offered individual counselling." See the link for contact information. Man Talk is located in Halifax Regional Municipality.


"The mission of 1in6 is to help men who have had unwanted or abusive sexual experiences live healthier, happier lives. [Its] mission also includes serving family members, friends, partners, and service providers by providing information and support resources on the web and in the community." hosts weekly chat-based support groups that can be accessed through this website.

Full Disclosure: Implications for Individuals who Disclose Sexual Violence in the University Context (Root & Lunn 2019)

In the VAW Network webinar Full Disclosure: Implications for Individuals who Disclose Sexual Violence in the University Context, Root & Lunn (2019) explore "the hidden contexts and potential harm for folks who engage with university sexual assault policies in Ontario." As part of their discussion, the authors explore how survivors' expectations of confidentiality may be disappointed due to lack of clarity in their university sexual volence policies.

Understanding how immigration policies shape gender-based violence among immigrants who have a temporary or precarious status (Bhuyan & Pintin-Perez, 2020)

This VAWS Learning Network webinar provides context for student's concerns about how university sexual assault policies relate to immigration status.

The Courage to Act Report (Khan & Bidgood, 2019)

Recommendation 10 from the Courage to Act Report (Khan & Bidgood, 2019, pp. 75-79), entitled "Support Respondents” expands on the importance of considering respondent needs.

Full Disclosure: Implications for Individuals who Disclose Sexual Violence in the University Context (Root & Lunn 2019)

In the VAW Network webinar Full Disclosure: Implications for Individuals who Disclose Sexual Violence in the University Context, Root & Lunn (2019) explore "the hidden contexts and potential harm for folks who engage with university sexual assault policies in Ontario." As part of their discussion, the authors explore how survivors' expectations of confidentiality may be disappointed due to lack of clarity in their university sexual volence policies.
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