Out of the bounds of what I would be comfortable doing
I know there’s some things like [...] Consent Weeks [...] and stuff like that, and I think that could be a good way to [...] reach [...] certain groups of people for sure. But, like, as someone [...] with anxiety, like having a quick chat with someone in the hallway [...], who I’ve never talked to [laughing], about the sexual assault policy w-would be [...] out of the bounds of what I would be comfortable doing. And even, like, picking up a brochure I see might be something that I’d be too anxious to do. Um, so like even the resources that are out there might not be accessible to everyone that way.
Display QR codes providing immediate access to on- and off-campus supports and policy information in high-traffic areas on campus.
Use an app or other tool that allows students to anonymously ask questions about sexual violence and university policies against sexual violence.