Not being biased to the opposite gender
Just to make it clear, when I say "biased," I’m talking about gender-biased. So [...] not to judge the other person from their gender, because some of us have some experiences, and we can actually [...] be influenced by that. So, I think having that person [who is responding to a report] not being biased to the opposite gender is also important.
Ensure all sexual violence prevention and response education and training opportunities actively deconstruct victim-blaming, rape myths and gender norms. Ensure these sessions take an intersectional approach to understanding sexual violence and supporting victim/survivors.
Address respondent rights and supports available to respondents in each of the following circumstances: 1) the investigation into the complaint is ongoing 2) the investigation concludes that the respondent has violated the policy, or 3) the investigation does not conclude that the respondent has violated the policy.