Cultural Resources
“Let’s Not Talk about It:” Multiple Perspectives on Service Barriers and Recommendations for Black Sexual Assault Survivors: A Mixed-Methods Study
Sualp, Gorgetta, Anderson, Revell, & Godbee, 2021
What does it take to be an Arab feminist in 2019?
Singh, 2019, July 5
Silent pandemic’: How women in the Middle East and North Africa are threatened online
Allouche, 2020
Commentary: Sexual health and human rights in the Middle East and North Africa: Progress or backlash
Ilkkaracan, 2015
Removing Roadblocks: Examining barriers to justice & healing to buld more victim-centric services for Muslim survivors of Sexual Assault
HEART, & the Muslim American Women's Policy Forum, 2017
Anti-Asian Racism and Gender-Based Violence: Historical and Contemporary Realities Webinar
Go, Go, & Lee-An, 2021, June 8
Examining the Intersections of Anti-Asian Racism and Gender-Based Violence in Canada
Go & Lee-An
US has a long history of violence against Asian women
Leong & Kuo, 2021, March 22
The woman who broke the silence on Rape in Japan
Ito & Jenkin, 2019, May 14
How to be an ally
No author, 2020