For crisis intervention or mental distress: Provincial Mental Health and Addictions Crisis Line:

For Confidential support to post-secondary students in Nova Scotia:
Good2Talk: 1-833-292-3698
or text GOOD2TALKNS to 686868

Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner program for the Halifax area:

Get toll-free numbers for other Nova Scotia regions


If you are in immediate danger, call 911.

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Indian Male

Addressing online sexual violence

Include CyberScan with lists of external resources. According to its website, cyberscan provides services to people who "have had intimate pictures […] shared without [their] consent."

Many students who participated in our study pointed out that online forms of sexual harassment are prevalent in the lives of students today. Students wondered whether and how their university SA/SV policies address this issue. See also the recommendations “Providing clarity about overlapping policies” and “Handling of cases according to incident location.”

Delving Deeper Resources

  • Nonconsensual Intimate Image Distribution in Canada (Dr. Alexa Dodge)
    This VAW Network video discusses "options and opportunities for responding to nonconsensual intimate image distribution outside of the criminal law."

Community Resources

  • CyberScan
    According to the CyberScan homepage, "If you’ve been bullied online or had intimate pictures of you shared without your consent, you’re protected under the law. [...] If you believe you are the victim of cyberbullying or that an intimate image of you was shared without your consent, CyberScan can help."