For crisis intervention or mental distress: Provincial Mental Health and Addictions Crisis Line:

For Confidential support to post-secondary students in Nova Scotia:
Good2Talk: 1-833-292-3698
or text GOOD2TALKNS to 686868

Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner program for the Halifax area:

Get toll-free numbers for other Nova Scotia regions


If you are in immediate danger, call 911.

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Latin American Male

Offering interpretation

Offer interpretation services to victims/survivors and respondents who are more comfortable communicating in a language other than English and make it known to students that this service is available.

When offering interpretation services, it is useful to be aware that interpreters can be well known to their prospective clients. This can raise concerns for clients about confidentiality. A victim/survivor or respondent might be uncomfortable with a given translater for this reason. Ideally, more than one translator would be available for the person requiring translation services to choose from.