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African Male


I would say, increase the degree of punishment. For example, I am not sure if that would be likely to happen, but I can think if someone commits sexual harassment or something related to that,…

I think the hardest part of the problem of sexual assault is collecting evidence. ‘Cause people could lie, or just regret it after they have sex, or one person could lie like, “another person sexually…

I think the whole policy is actually talking about “What do we do after it has happened,” but not mention how we going to prevent or minimize the occurrence of this tragedy. […] Of course…

I think this policy has not shed light on the seriousness of revenge or the retaliation from the person accused. I think all the respondents [should] be informed of the university’s position regarding the seriousness…

I am wondering, if I choose to report, will someone accompany me or be more involved when I face the police? […] If I choose to report to the police, will someone in SMU maybe…

I have another piece of advice about precaution. I think when we talk to our professor, we need to keep the door open when we talk in a narrow space in his/her office because I’m…

[To support a friend who discloses sexual assault], in my opinion, I think it is necessary to be a listener. First when, we needed to be a listener, we needed to let the friend know…

I don’t know what choice I can make my friend feel better [following sexual assault]. All I can do is just be rational and tell her or him […] how to protect themselves after this…

I’ve experienced sexual assault, actually twice, so I would say if this policy actually exists, it would help me a lot to figure out the next step I should take and make me less confused…

The most important is how to protect the survivor, let her feel better. Not just “her”, sometimes it is a boy, right? Because […] before in the old times, maybe this happened more to girls,…

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