CBU is very diverse community that we have a large number of international students here. […] This university should understand, there is a fact that each person’s experience will be affected by many factors including,…
I think the hardest part of the problem of sexual assault is collecting evidence. ‘Cause people could lie, or just regret it after they have sex, or one person could lie like, “another person sexually…
We have to think about this whole thing from the victim’s side instead of our side. That would help you to better understand your friend [who has experienced sexual assault] and to always give your…
There is something that really pisses me off. I think the policy can be really relevant if this policy makes effort to hold the person accused accountable. Around one year ago, I don’t know if…
I would really like to know what kind of evidence is valid like for the police or for the security on campus?
What I am thinking is a person with psychological training would be the best person to support someone who has just experienced sexual assault. Like, this kind of person is very rare, from the friends…
I have one question about this policy: If something happened, how do you protect the […] personal privacy, you know? For example […] for the survivor, after the terrible thing happened […], if she or…
So are there enough cameras installed on the campus to prevent this situation? Or are there not enough cameras? […] If the camera does not work, does this mean there’s no evidence here to prove…
Participant 1: I think generally it is really difficult to find a friend who has a social harassment experience. […] Its important to get support from your friend, but it’s difficult to find professional help.…
I suggest that we should have a presentation introducing [the policy] in each orientation. […] It is possible that the school introduces this in orientation when all the new international students arrive at school, because…