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African Female

The policy is semi-vague in terms of consent and things like that. Not explicitly, but enough that I feel like there are certain older members of our community that might read that and say “oh,…

Participant 1: I feel like, it’d be harder, especially for us Black men, as we are told to “be tough.” We have a perception that we’re “hard” and all this stuff. So, I think it…

I think this highlights the issue of feeling alone in these kinds of circumstances. I would say that as young Black leaders in the community, it is kind of on us to make sure that…

If that came out [that you were sexually assaulted] by a girl, or even a man, it doesn’t matter, I feel like the reaction you would be thinking of would be, “Wow, you let that…

If the example is a girl got me drunk one night and took advantage of me, or sexually assaulted me, for me to come home and tell my teammates that, they might be like, “Shit,…

I find in situations like this, the man is always looked at as the person who wants control. The man is normally the person who is able to run that whole, kind of encounter with…

I just kind of wanted to highlight that we live in a system where, as a Black man, if you go to any authority figure, you already know that there’s a good chance you might…

I just want to… it’s kind of interesting that we’re all in the same headspace. You know, if you were able to go to a location where the therapist is going to be confidential etc.…

Participant 2: I guess my thoughts are about the same. You know, I think it’s so important that we believe women when they come forward, so that way when women, you know, they have these…

Yeah, I guess my main takeaway from the discussion is that there’s definitely a lack of awareness. I think, for the most part, aside from maybe some of us who are athletes in here, that…

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