People from different walks of life to disclose to
What if there were, like, [...] a main person that you would [...] disclose to or report to, but also some other people who were, like, designated options. So, like, say the report – or the – person you would report to, is a man, and – and I only wanted to report to a woman. Or say that [...] I specifically wanted to report to someone who, like, who is gay and, like, might understand my perspective from my experience more accurately, or something like that. [...] Maybe to have people who have, I don’t know, like, different walks of life available to make like the disclosing or reporting process more comfortable, upon request?
Create an inter-university and college roster of peer supporters and educators that includes international and domestic student leaders across genders.
When responding to a disclosure or report of sexual violence, provide students with the choice to work with someone who shares their gender identity or someone who does not. This applies to the victim/survivor or complainant and respondent.