For crisis intervention or mental distress: Provincial Mental Health and Addictions Crisis Line:

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Good2Talk: 1-833-292-3698
or text GOOD2TALKNS to 686868

Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner program for the Halifax area:

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Asian Female

Resources that may or may not be useful

Maybe if there was some kind of LGBT+-, trans-, non-binary-specific type of [...] event or activity that took place on campus where [the university SV/SA policy] was kind of discussed. [...] It would feel more like a safe space for specifically people in the LGBT community, um, to know more about these resources [...]. Because sometimes it’s a bit uncomfortable to sit with, uh, people who aren’t non-binary or trans and hear about resources that may not be useful [...] for [...] situations that only pertain to trans and non-binary people.


  • Create an inter-university and college roster of peer supporters and educators that includes international and domestic student leaders across genders.