Policy distrust
I guess [the policy is] relevant, but at the same time, it’s like, if you go through all these steps, what is the result? Am I actually going to get help? Or will it just…
Participant 2: I guess my thoughts are about the same. You know, I think it’s so important that we believe women when they come forward, so that way when women, you know, they have these…
Yeah, I guess my main takeaway from the discussion is that there’s definitely a lack of awareness. I think, for the most part, aside from maybe some of us who are athletes in here, that…
Especially from a young Black man’s perspective, it’s something that we think about a lot and even fear. Like, I remember going to school and, you know, my parents telling me, like, “Watch out for…
I don’t think there’s anything that uniquely makes it [the SV/SA policy] feel that it would consider the perspective of an African Nova Scotia male, at all. I mean, I think one of the glaring…
I feel like I wouldn’t have a voice at all in this process. You know, just being, as he just mentioned, a black male, just my appearance, etc., I feel like my voice would totally…
Yeah, just, even looking at the anonymous allegations. Like, it says, it’s ambiguous- it says it can proceed in the absence of an identified complainant. I mean, in all reality, like the previous guys just…
Participant 1: Just as I was entering university, I would have had discussions with, you know, my parents like uncles, you know, with them being Black Nova Scotians- they wouldn’t have much faith in this…
I know that the point there where it talks about […] the intersectionality- it just kind of just says, “this policy is meant to be, [intersectional],” you know? It just […] came off a box,…
I feel like the language barrier would be a big thing. Although I understand English, I know a lot of people from the Middle East and around [unclear] with a strong barrier. So, I think…