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Latin American Male

[Some things I would ask myself if a friend came to be for support following a sexual assault would be:] are they willing to come forward and talk about what happened to them? How do…

Although it can be triggering, I think it is important that this information is introduced to students from early on, especially those who want to live on campus, and those who are off campus as…

I know, like, when you think about sexual assault, you are like “Oh my gosh, we have to go and report this now.” I am being their friend first and then figuring out which steps,…

I would say that it [discussions of sexual assault] is something that should be included during welcome weeks, especially coming from the Caribbean. Like, the topic could be sort of taboo; people might not want…

I think patience is important because, as we all stated before, people might not want to report immediately – the same way they might not want to talk about the experience they have had immediately.…

The policy is semi-vague in terms of consent and things like that. Not explicitly, but enough that I feel like there are certain older members of our community that might read that and say “oh,…

Participant 1: I feel like, it’d be harder, especially for us Black men, as we are told to “be tough.” We have a perception that we’re “hard” and all this stuff. So, I think it…

I think this highlights the issue of feeling alone in these kinds of circumstances. I would say that as young Black leaders in the community, it is kind of on us to make sure that…

If that came out [that you were sexually assaulted] by a girl, or even a man, it doesn’t matter, I feel like the reaction you would be thinking of would be, “Wow, you let that…

If the example is a girl got me drunk one night and took advantage of me, or sexually assaulted me, for me to come home and tell my teammates that, they might be like, “Shit,…

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