For crisis intervention or mental distress: Provincial Mental Health and Addictions Crisis Line:

For Confidential support to post-secondary students in Nova Scotia:
Good2Talk: 1-833-292-3698
or text GOOD2TALKNS to 686868

Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner program for the Halifax area:

Get toll-free numbers for other Nova Scotia regions


If you are in immediate danger, call 911.

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Asian Female

Recommendation Resources

The Courage to Act Report (Khan & Bidgood, 2019)

The Courage to Act Report includes a section entitled "Factors to help student education onhealthy relationships and consent" on pages 98-100.

Supporting Survivors of Sexual Violence: A Nova Scotia Resource

According to its homepage, "This training is designed to help you learn more about sexual violence and how to support someone who has survived it. It is for service providers, friends, family members, neighbours, teachers, first responders, counselors, and anyone who is acting as a support person, or is concerned about sexual violence." Information about consent, including legal definitions of consent, are provided.

Sexual Assault Support Worker Handbook (Ending Violence Association of BC)

Information about Canadian sexual assault laws is included in Part 9 of this Sexual Assault Support Worker Handbook.

Supporting Survivors of Sexual Violence: A Nova Scotia Resource

According to its homepage, "This training is designed to help you learn more about sexual violence and how to support someone who has survived it. It is for service providers, friends, family members, neighbours, teachers, first responders, counselors, and anyone who is acting as a support person, or is concerned about sexual violence." Information about Canadian sexual assault laws is included in Module 1: Sexual Violence: An Introduction.

Department of Justice Victim Services frequently asked questions

This FAQ from Victim Services answers 16 questions, including: "Will the accused be arrested? Can charges laid by police be dropped or changed? What is meant by 'guilt beyond a reasonable doubt? What is 'presumption of innocence'? Can the media publish the identity of victims and witnesses? What happens during the trial?"

Independent Legal Advice for Sexual Assault Survivors Program

This program provides "up to 4 hours of free legal advice if you have been sexually assaulted and are 16 years old or older. You do not have to report to police or go to court if you use this service. They can help in English or French, or use a free interpreter for other languages."

Legal Info Nova Scotia

At this webpage, Legal Info Nova Scotia provides answers to frequently asked questions relating to family violence and sexual violence. Questions include "Can the police charge my partner with sexual assault? Will the police take my partner from our home? What is a Cyber-protection order? What happens with my children?" This resource also includes contact information for resources relevent to the broad community, as well as specific population such as immigrants and refugees (Halifax Refugee Clinic), low income people (e.g., Dalhousie Legal Aid Service), Mi'kmaq people (Mi'kmaq Legal Support Network), and people with disabilities (reachAbility).

DSU Survivor Support

Dalhousie Student Union's Survivor Support Centre offers a Sexual Assault & Harassment Phone Line for all Dalhousie University and King's College students. The phone line offers confidential, anonymous, non-judgmental, active listening, and resource navigation services for students who have experienced, or have been impacted by sexualized violence. You are not required to give any identifying information to receive support. Call 902-425-1066 between 11am-7pm, 7 days a week, to be connected for support.

CFS Campus Toolkit for Creating Consent Culture

See page 9 of the CFS Campus Toolkit for Creating Consent Culture for its Campus Safety Checklist.