I think it [the reason people avoid reporting sexual assault] is shame a lot of the time. Or feeling like, deep down, maybe it was my fault. Like someone mentioned earlier, we should make sure…
Maybe [people don’t report because] they don’t have any idea about their rights? We don’t have to prove our sexual assault situation, but some people think that “if I was raped, for example, it is…
I think it’s really hard to share the experience with people – other people. So like, [if a friend discloses to you], first you have to understand the effort she put, to talk to […]…
Yeah, I think for East Asian people – East Asian students – they tend to be shy, or they don’t say their whole feeling. So, they should be able to understand the – how do…
I believe that the thoughts, and the ideology of “the victim” is created from where they grow up, or what they are being taught. So, my [suggestion] is to let […] someone who understands the…
So my point is that our culture is very conservative. Like, Asia, or Asians, are very conservative. The society as a whole is conservative, therefore, the people are very conservative. […] Not a lot of…
One of the very first things that comes to mind is language barriers. […] If you are a secretary, staff member or someone who receives reports, my advice is to be patient and to speak…
If I have a problem and talk to my family, they will probably say, “Just go to the police, not talking to the sexual violence manager, just go to police.” I guess this is because…
Counselling downstairs, for me, I was like, “I cannot talk about it with someone who is male,” and it ended up being someone who was male [laughing]. […] Now for me, everybody is not same,…
Participant 1: My complaint is that there should be more information such as the timeframe around this process. For example, when is the victim gonna receive services? Information like that could be helpful. […] Participant…