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For Confidential support to post-secondary students in Nova Scotia:
Good2Talk: 1-833-292-3698
or text GOOD2TALKNS to 686868

Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner program for the Halifax area:

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Indian Male

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Participant 1: You would have to listen, and from my personal experience, I’ve always found support in my peers. So, talking to someone who has either experienced sexual assault or somebody trained in it and…

You can feel so ashamed. Like, “I just want to forget about it,” [in a whisper] “I don’t ever want to think about it again,” “I don’t want to have to deal with it,” and…

I remember reading this thing in one of my classes, and I think it was like one in four [university students are sexually assaulted], and that seems like a crazy number and a lot of…

Interpersonal Violence Prevention Considerations for Sexual Minority College Students: Lower Campus Connection, Worse Perceptions of Institutional Support, and more Accurate Understandings of Sexual Consent

Mennicke, Geiger, & Brewster, 2019, July 25

Voluntary Agencies’ Responses to, and Attitudes toward Male Rape: Issues and Concerns

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