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Asian Female


I think that this provided a lot of really good insight on – um, what more can be done for trans and non-binary people, because before I heard some of the ideas from Participant 1…

Maybe if there was some kind of LGBT+-, trans-, non-binary-specific type of […] event or activity that took place on campus where [the university SV/SA policy] was kind of discussed. […] It would feel more…

I’ve just kinda been in a group before, and I’ve asked a question that was specific to, um, non-binary resources or trans resources in particular, for sexual assault and harassment. […] And when I asked…

I don’t think that there’s enough visibility for people who can be talked to. Like, I know […] that you were discussing the people that could be spoken to, […] but as somebody who’s been…

I know there’s some things like […] Consent Weeks […] and stuff like that, and I think that could be a good way to […] reach […] certain groups of people for sure. But, like,…

How do we ensure that a victim or survivor is – they feel safe on campus, like, after reporting?

How can we ensure that victim’s privacy is not violated? I don’t think that’s the word but –that everything is kept private.

Maybe what happens um if the victim – or whoever is reporting – feels uncomfortable with the person that they’re reporting to?

Some outside resources that are […] trans-specific or – or LGBT+ specific would be good. […] I’m not super involved or anything, but like the only thing that I could think of off the top…