If there were steps to follow
I think if people that were [unclear] had a plan, or like, they [the university] showed us what steps we could go through, just in general, it would make a lot of people less anxious about reporting sexual assault. [...] Because a lot of people may be anxious about going forward and talking about it, I think if there were steps telling them, "Okay, you go to this place, and then this and that is gonna happen," that would make them feel good. Or, [unclear] what they have to say if they wanted to report or disclose, whatever they want to choose to do according to the survivor.
Emphasize the victim's right to decide whether they would like to report the incident after they have disclosed it to the university. Ensure the victim is aware of the formal and informal routes for reporting, including the option of reporting to the police. Clearly communicate any limits to confidentiality.
Offer fictionalized but representative examples of how disclosures and reports to the university have been handled.
Use multiple formats to deliver accessible education about the SV/SA policy during orientation and at least once per semester
Provide detail and clarity about what happens, and who helps the students involved, at every stage of the process following a disclosure or report.