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Caucasian Female

Perspectives on education and awareness

I think it is good if we can have any informal infographic or any report saying that throughout the last few years, or maybe an annual report showing how frequently the policy has been implemented…

A document that is really wordy is not accessible necessarily for someone whose [unclear] English is a second language, including people whose first language is a sign language, ASL or NSL- they’re often very wordy…

I do wonder how accessible it is in terms of alternative formats? I use a computerized screen reader because I am blind, and I just wonder, I have never gone to the document to see…

I don’t think that there’s enough visibility for people who can be talked to. Like, I know […] that you were discussing the people that could be spoken to, […] but as somebody who’s been…

I know there’s some things like […] Consent Weeks […] and stuff like that, and I think that could be a good way to […] reach […] certain groups of people for sure. But, like,…

Maybe if there was some kind of LGBT+-, trans-, non-binary-specific type of […] event or activity that took place on campus where [the university SV/SA policy] was kind of discussed. […] It would feel more…

I’ve just kinda been in a group before, and I’ve asked a question that was specific to, um, non-binary resources or trans resources in particular, for sexual assault and harassment. […] And when I asked…

I think we also need not to update, but more so expand how we educate the population—the population of the Mount – on what consent is and what consent is not. […]. There needs to…

Participant 1: I don’t know if anywhere sexual education was different, but mine consisted of “Here’s a condom; don’t get people pregnant; you’ll get diseases; and your body is changing.” There was nothing about consent,…

Participant 1: I haven’t seen it [the policy] or heard about it since I’ve been here, but I guess I didn’t look for it […] it didn’t feel readily available. Participant 2: Same, I haven’t…

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