Perspectives on education and awareness
I feel like that’s where SMU should use, like, a workshop, or like, the million other activities that they have, and be like alright, this is the deal with sexual violence, this is what’s supposed…
Participant 1: I don’t know if anywhere sexual education was different, but mine consisted of “Here’s a condom; don’t get people pregnant; you’ll get diseases; and your body is changing.” There was nothing about consent,…
A document that is really wordy is not accessible necessarily for someone whose [unclear] English is a second language, including people whose first language is a sign language, ASL or NSL- they’re often very wordy…
I do wonder how accessible it is in terms of alternative formats? I use a computerized screen reader because I am blind, and I just wonder, I have never gone to the document to see…
I don’t think that there’s enough visibility for people who can be talked to. Like, I know […] that you were discussing the people that could be spoken to, […] but as somebody who’s been…
I know there’s some things like […] Consent Weeks […] and stuff like that, and I think that could be a good way to […] reach […] certain groups of people for sure. But, like,…
Maybe if there was some kind of LGBT+-, trans-, non-binary-specific type of […] event or activity that took place on campus where [the university SV/SA policy] was kind of discussed. […] It would feel more…
I’ve just kinda been in a group before, and I’ve asked a question that was specific to, um, non-binary resources or trans resources in particular, for sexual assault and harassment. […] And when I asked…
I think we also need not to update, but more so expand how we educate the population—the population of the Mount – on what consent is and what consent is not. […]. There needs to…
Participant 1: I haven’t seen it [the policy] or heard about it since I’ve been here, but I guess I didn’t look for it […] it didn’t feel readily available. Participant 2: Same, I haven’t…