Perspectives on responses to sexual assault
I think the most important thing to think about before you speak to someone who has been recently assaulted is to avoid having a judgmental or non-believing attitude. […] I think for them [the survivor]…
Artist’s description: This piece is inspired not only by the growth that we all experience in our lives, but mainly how I feel that I am finally blossoming into the person I want to become,…
Some people, when this happens to them, they come forward with denial. Like, they try to fix the situation in their mind, like they don’t want to believe it happened. Or they’ll run through the…
How do we ensure that a victim or survivor is – they feel safe on campus, like, after reporting?
Participant 1: You would have to listen, and from my personal experience, I’ve always found support in my peers. So, talking to someone who has either experienced sexual assault or somebody trained in it and…
I think people should maybe be more aware of informal resolution because I never really knew that existed or that it was an option. I mean, it’s a good way for people not to get…
Participant 1: I wonder if there could be a part [of the policy] that would be like, “have you sexually [pause]- do you feel like there are shades of grey?” Because maybe they had sex…
I know that language can be a huge barrier and also when you look around, and all you see are white faces, and you are not [white], that can be very intimidating and unwelcoming. So,…
If my friend disclosed to me, I think I would want to know whether she felt safe at that moment. I’d ask what she needed from me, how I could help in terms of talking,…