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African Female

Perspectives on sexual assault

Participant 1: The thing about it is that it’s cool for one person, but not for the other. Like […], he might say that “she agreed,” or something; then it’s the fight between the two.…

Participant 1: But what kind of sexual assault is here? Facilitator: If anyone tries to touch your friend, like, that is a problem. Participant 1: I mean like, come on guys. We are all from…

Facilitator: Also, do you guys feel like it should be mandatory for the offender to go to a number of counselling sessions along with action being taken for it? Participant 1: Mhm. Participant 2: Yeah,…

Participant 1: Being from the Caribbean, I don’t think there is a lot of information at all. Facilitator: Thank you so much for that point- you just mentioned that being from the Caribbean, this is…

It’s like a whole stigma about it. It’s not really the policy, it’s just the whole entire topic. Like, I don’t think men feel comfortable with the whole entire topic, and I think they are…

We’re so used to, especially as women, we deal with stuff. We deal with our mental health, we deal with taking care of our kids, taking care of our homes; and there’s a lot of…

I would definitely have this conversation [around sexual assault] with my mother, grandmother, and older women around me that I consider influential. With that being said, I would also like to discuss this topic with…

The policy is semi-vague in terms of consent and things like that. Not explicitly, but enough that I feel like there are certain older members of our community that might read that and say “oh,…

Sometimes, like you said, we are viewed as violent. and we have been for a long time. So, in my perception, I might have felt like I was acting normal. But in her perception, because…

Participant 1: At what age do we think we should start to have these conversations with younger black men? I know it’s kind of a big question, but I think it’s a question, or at…

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