Perspectives on survivor speech
I think it [the reason people avoid reporting sexual assault] is shame a lot of the time. Or feeling like, deep down, maybe it was my fault. Like someone mentioned earlier, we should make sure…
I think another reason people don’t report is that they are afraid of getting stuck in the system. So like, some cases do not necessarily go all the way through. Or, in the rare case,…
Maybe [people don’t report because] they don’t have any idea about their rights? We don’t have to prove our sexual assault situation, but some people think that “if I was raped, for example, it is…
For example, I’ve been assaulted more times than I can even count, and I never reported any of it because [pause] and this is totally just me- I totally understand why other people would want…
Participant 1: Um I just wanted to add that I know a lot of people – it’s really sad – that have been raped in our culture and, um, usually what the parents do instead…
So, before I give my advice to [a friend who has been sexually assaulted, I would] ask myself: Can the action described be seen as a sexual violence, as defined in the new policy? And…
I think if your good friend [who discloses sexual assault] is a Chinese, maybe he/she is too shy to speak out about this. Maybe you can let him/her do some questionnaires. She will feel more…
Participant 1: I think some victims may not have the courage to talk to a person face to face. She may prefer to writing something to disclose or chatting online. He/she may feel this way…
First of all, as we all know, this [sexual assault] is something that can damage the honor of that friend. What if her future boyfriend knows about this? What if her future husband know this,…
I think sharing experiences is also important because most of us really don’t know what to do.