No matter your background, 90% of the time it’s assumed that the female has more power to go and say, “I’ve been sexually assaulted,” and they will have more help. I think it’s time to…
Especially the place I am from- there is very limited exposure to sexual harassment and polices of this sort. Sexual assault happens as if it’s not an issue at all. It’s so common.[…] The sexual…
How much proof do I need to actually need? How much evidence do I need to prove that I have actually been victimized? Because it is always a topic with these cases. So, how much…
There are many, many violences perpetrated in the city I come from. I believe that not only should we have this policy in existence, but the effectiveness of the policy is very important. There are…
I would probably explain or show the victim/survivor that there are other ways to get help other than talking to me. At the same time, I would see if they are comfortable talking about the…
What I would do initially [if a friend disclosed to me], is ask myself how am I going to handle this without causing any damage to her feelings. She may have undergone so much already,…
You shouldn’t blame the victim. You shouldn’t say, for example, “Oh, you were too drunk,” or, “You were dressing inappropriately.” You should always listen and understand what is consent. Never try to manipulate the whole…
I would definitely follow the law. I understand these things or anything related to sexual violence is an offence, but hiding it is also an offence. If your friend comes to you for help or…
I would also say, being calm in an uncomfortable situation [is important when someone discloses to you]. You don’t wanna be the person that freaks out when they’re already freaking out and telling you about…
[To support a survivor], we need to create an atmosphere of trust. Show her that you really care for her and that you understand what she is experiencing right now- you are understanding all the…