One of the major fears for women is ridicule
I feel like one of the major fears for women, especially coming forward about sexual assault, is ridicule, or just everyone being able to identify them and point a finger at them. That’s something that prevents a lot of people from reporting.
Use an app or other tool that allows students to anonymously ask questions about sexual violence and university policies against sexual violence.
Emphasize the victim's right to decide whether they would like to report the incident after they have disclosed it to the university. Ensure the victim is aware of the formal and informal routes for reporting, including the option of reporting to the police. Clearly communicate any limits to confidentiality.
In the policy itself and in materials and presentations promoting the policy, define "confidential" and "anonymous," and explain how these concepts pertain to the policy, university-based sexual assault services, and the limits on confidentiality and anonymity.
Allow victim/survivors to share their experiences and seek support when they are ready. Offer information about time limits for reporting when applicable.