For example, look at MSVU Health Services. [They close at] 5:00 pm. The person will have to wait until Monday [laughter]. If you look at the cases that happened on campus, they were after these…
I can’t compare with Canadians in this situation, but my perspective is of being a foreigner here with the language barrier. I would appreciate people who can listen to me; people who are listening carefully,…
If I experience the situation [a sexual assault], I can probably talk to friends who can accept my feelings or who are understanding of my mind. Like, not only giving their opinion. If my friends…
I know that a lot of girls need that help. It is a very subjective thing, and it is a very personal thing. Um, so, yeah kind of just going back to the “if it…
Participant 1: Um I just wanted to add that I know a lot of people – it’s really sad – that have been raped in our culture and, um, usually what the parents do instead…
Participant 1: I think alcohol abuse plays a big role in the situation. You know, we are coming from a place where a woman – or a male as well, you know – drinking is…
What kind of evidence does this policy apply to and how we can intervene in each situation individually? I mean because sometimes the only evidence is just the victim’s written word or what they say.…
I think it’s really hard to share the experience with people – other people. So like, [if a friend discloses to you], first you have to understand the effort she put, to talk to […]…
I think in those situations, a lot of [victims] blame themselves for the incident, even though it’s NOT their fault. […] So, I feel like the victim would need support from their friends the most.…
One of the very first things that comes to mind is language barriers. […] If you are a secretary, staff member or someone who receives reports, my advice is to be patient and to speak…