Participant 1: Both people may agree to have sex initially, but once they’ve broken up, or, something happens in between them later on- if someone uses that point to make a complaint about the other…
[If a friend told me she had experienced sexual assault], I would usually go for mental support. As a friend, that’s the best I can do. At first, I would tell her that I am…
My immediate response, if [a friend has been sexually assaulted], is to care for her and to report. I didn’t want to let him go free. And the risk of being deported was there, but…
If it was a friend of mine [who disclosed that she was sexually assaulted], I would first check if she is was affected physically or mentally and act accordingly. Maybe I’ll help her with some…
Most students come from conservative families, so we should brief [university staff who handle disclosures or reports] about our family background and the consequences. This will help supporters to know these viewpoints rather than arguing…
I think the policy does not cover all students- maybe international students need to know more about it and how it works here.
I think we may have different boundaries than others. I think its just getting an idea about where our boundaries are. Obviously, we don’t have the same viewpoints like maybe our grandmother did/does but it…
From my mom’s perspective, first, she wouldn’t be happy about me talking about it [sexual violence] to other people. You know, that’s our culture. You are not supposed to discuss this with other people, in…
When I go out of the family zone at night, parties or clubbing, that was something that my mom was concerned about. Because, inside school, I am sure that you are 100% safe, but inside…
I just had a question. So, when comes to consent, if someone is forced to act, and the person says “no,” but you said that you can withdraw your consent and everything, but let’s say…