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Indian Female


The relationship dynamics within the Caribbean, like, every relationship, is different but a lot of behaviours are normalized in our culture that would be seen as, I don’t wanna say abuse, like, basically, a lot…

I don’t think on a general scale that [the policy is] very accessible until there is an issue that relates to sexual violence on campus.

Although it can be triggering, I think it is important that this information is introduced to students from early on, especially those who want to live on campus, and those who are off campus as…

I think one piece of advice I will have is for them to treat every experience as individual. I wouldn’t want to say it all depends on culture- we are so diverse in a way…

I feel like we should have more discussions around consent and what that looks like: the different ways to consent and the different kinds of situations where consent is needed. Because, right now, it’s just…

I just kind of wanted to highlight that we live in a system where, as a Black man, if you go to any authority figure, you already know that there’s a good chance you might…

Sometimes, like you said, we are viewed as violent. and we have been for a long time. So, in my perception, I might have felt like I was acting normal. But in her perception, because…

Participant 1: What if it’s, like, a form of assault, but it’s not on the policy? They’re just like [claps hand to indicate closing the file]. Participant 3: It doesn’t say verbal. I don’t know…

I think trust is a huge thing. I feel that in these situations, the onus is not on the victim, the onus is on the supporter to show the victim, like, “You can trust me.…

We don’t have many of these. Like, people of colour don’t get to talk about our feelings towards our universities policies- whether it’s the sports or the school, or the teachers online- it’s good to…

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