Participant 1: Yeah, don’t wash afterwards. Participant 2: Yeah, ’cause the DNA is still on you. Participant 3: Like, if something happened to your friend, you should ask if they showered. […] Participant 1: If…
Does the victim have any word or say? Is there, like, different levels of sexual violence to somewhat determine the consequences? Because the policy currently states that the consequences may include but are not limited…
Facilitator: Also, do you guys feel like it should be mandatory for the offender to go to a number of counselling sessions along with action being taken for it? Participant 1: Mhm. Participant 2: Yeah,…
When I told my mom what happened [being followed off campus to my apartent door], she was basically furious and she wanted to know right away what the school was doing with the situation; what’s…
[When supporting a survivor], I would say try to be less formal – be informal! Like, act as if you care and are not just asking me because you have to […]. And don’t come…
I think the first step of educating my children would be what constitutes sexual violence and what is some of the language you need to know. “What is consent,” the definition of that, and what…
Participant 1: The thing about it is that it’s cool for one person, but not for the other. Like […], he might say that “she agreed,” or something; then it’s the fight between the two.…
Facilitator: Do you think that you would visit a counsellor’s office to ask for help if something like this happened? Participant 1: Here? Facilitator: Yeah. Participant 1: I’ve never been there, but honestly, no. Participant…
Participant 1: Being from the Caribbean, I don’t think there is a lot of information at all. Facilitator: Thank you so much for that point- you just mentioned that being from the Caribbean, this is…
Facilitator: When the respondent appeals, then the person goes to the board of students and all of that stuff. Participant 1: See, who wants to go through all of that? Participant 2: See, […] if…