It does say that we need to submit it online, and that makes me feel like it would be nice to have people reaching out to you, rather than it being in an online forum.…
Facilitator: We do have a lot of body contact with friends. Participant 1: But you don’t want strangers touching your body. You can have my approval to touch me everywhere, but if a stranger touches…
I would say, increase the degree of punishment. For example, I am not sure if that would be likely to happen, but I can think if someone commits sexual harassment or something related to that,…
From my personal experience, [following a sexual assault], I think I want my friend to be a good listener, to be 100% down to listen to me to talk about this, and I definitely want…
Participant 1: They need to be clear about how they deal with the person who performs the sexual assault. They have to be transparent about it. Participant 2: Exactly, like, […] hints as to how…
I heard someone say there is racial discrimination here, so I may not choose to go to the police. I have a hypothesis that if we have been sexually assaulted in Canada, can we report…
The most important is how to protect the survivor, let her feel better. Not just “her”, sometimes it is a boy, right? Because […] before in the old times, maybe this happened more to girls,…
I have never experienced this, but […] if I had this kind of experience, I would just want a friend so we could do things together. Like, eat meals with me, sleep with me, go…
Yeah, I think my mom and dad would be happy [about this policy]; and they would say that it’s a good thing to have such a policy in our university because all these things could…
For my personal experiences, uhm, it’s not good to be alone when you are in public. Uhm, I just want to share my personal experience a little bit. When I was in a computer class…