Having it [the report of sexual assault] on file is useful, because it speaks to a, pattern – history. If, like you said, someone might be nervous, but maybe that individual, you know, does something…
It’s extremely difficult, in a sense of the male approaching somebody and admitting that they have been sexually assaulted. There’s numerous anecdotal cases from just Western society [unclear] where a – a survivor of sexual…
You say all these things: “It will be investigated”, “We will report to you, etc.,” but within what timeframe? Otherwise, it can drag on for six months. I’ve heard numerous stories about people graduating and…
A lot of the time when people get sexually assaulted, not most of the time, but it does happen, they were under the influence of the substance. So the person that assaulted them was -…
Participant 1: [Laughs] The sexual violence response team creates the policy, and the sexual violence response team also happens to be the people that enforce the policy. Um, so, it’s bad- you can’t write the…
Yeah, along the same line as what they were saying, it is very sensitive and it is – it might – like, I can’t say for certain, but I would say due to how heavy…
I wouldn’t shove it in their face like “you NEED to do something,” but on my own time, I would look up what they can do and share something very welcoming like counselling. Or, “Hey,…
It’s great that they say they will give you counselling, but what happens when it is faculty, and you do not want to set foot on campus anymore, and you’ve left university? What happens when…
The biggest thing [supporter quality] that I can think of is that you want to confide in someone that can be accountable, so someone that – ’cause some people might say “I am here for…
[Since] 1990, the entire world has changed a our policy has not. Comparing it to even to other schools, like, Dalhousie and St. FX, like, their policies are quite expansive and cover a lot of…