My opinion is that there are two options: Either report, or you decide not to identify yourself, and still take the services. I feel that both should be in place, because like the other participant…
Another thing the current policy is missing is maybe to educate the parents as well. When, like, someone has an impact of this sexual assault, […] they will speak with their parents, so parents should…
I think the policy does not cover all students- maybe international students need to know more about it and how it works here.
[To support a survivor], I think you should have good listening skills. You should also be very patient, but at the same time, someone coming to you about such a crisis, I think you should…
I have one more to add. This thought just came to my mind, so what I was thinking was, in India any form of contraception is something – is not publicly spoken about. So I…
I think we may have different boundaries than others. I think its just getting an idea about where our boundaries are. Obviously, we don’t have the same viewpoints like maybe our grandmother did/does but it…
What I feel is that we have come way too far in globalization, and there is a lot mingling and acceptance with us. Even the corporate culture – we are working on and with the…
It [sexual assault] is a kind of a thing where you are much free to speak about it either to your mom or your sister, but not really to the entire family, you know what…
From my mom’s perspective, first, she wouldn’t be happy about me talking about it [sexual violence] to other people. You know, that’s our culture. You are not supposed to discuss this with other people, in…
I guess people in this group [are] saying “progressive South Indians,” but there are lot of South Indian people who wouldn’t think this progressively, and wouldn’t be comfortable with all of this, and who have…