Perspectives on responses to sexual assault
I think patience is important because, as we all stated before, people might not want to report immediately – the same way they might not want to talk about the experience they have had immediately.…
Participant 1: Before we even get to the policy part, what precautions are put in place to ensure that this doesn’t happen? Are there any safety precautions on campus that allow us to feel…Except for…
I would say it would be beneficial if they were trained; so, they took training in how to deal with that particular situation. This way, they would be more understanding and more open to what…
Facilitator: How do you think older members of your family would respond to this policy? Whether parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents. Tell me who you are thinking of and what would they say. Participant 1: “Your…
Just being able to say, “okay, it doesn’t matter – your race doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter where you are from, these things can happen.” I think people should understand that it can be easier…
Participant 1: Yeah, like how does that stuff work when you’re an international student? Like, are there additions for you because you’re an international student, so your needs may be different from that of a…
The relationship dynamics within the Caribbean, like, every relationship, is different but a lot of behaviours are normalized in our culture that would be seen as, I don’t wanna say abuse, like, basically, a lot…
Facilitator: Participant 1, how do you think your parents would respond to the policy? Participant 1: They wouldn’t listen. They would tell me, “Call the police! Call the embassy!” They will tell me, “Call all…
I think one piece of advice I will have is for them to treat every experience as individual. I wouldn’t want to say it all depends on culture- we are so diverse in a way…
Facilitator: What are some things we would ask ourselves when making suggestions [to a friend who has been sexually assaulted]? What would we need to think about before giving advice? Participant 1: Did you give…