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Indian Male

Participant 1: If they are physically okay, I would obviously reassure them that I am there for them. I would let them know that there are other people who have gone through the same thing,…

I think it [the reason people avoid reporting sexual assault] is shame a lot of the time. Or feeling like, deep down, maybe it was my fault. Like someone mentioned earlier, we should make sure…

I think another reason people don’t report is that they are afraid of getting stuck in the system. So like, some cases do not necessarily go all the way through. Or, in the rare case,…

Maybe [people don’t report because] they don’t have any idea about their rights? We don’t have to prove our sexual assault situation, but some people think that “if I was raped, for example, it is…

For example, I’ve been assaulted more times than I can even count, and I never reported any of it because [pause] and this is totally just me- I totally understand why other people would want…

For example, look at MSVU Health Services. [They close at] 5:00 pm. The person will have to wait until Monday [laughter]. If you look at the cases that happened on campus, they were after these…

Empathy and active listening are good characteristics’ for them [supporters]. Also, just being aware in that moment; be able to read body language. I am a very physical person. I communicate through touch as well,…

Participant 2: I think cultural sensitivity training is important for anyone working in the service industry in Canada. Especially the last couple of years, many immigrants and refugees have arrived here […]. I’ve worked at…

I know that a lot of girls need that help. It is a very subjective thing, and it is a very personal thing. Um, so, yeah kind of just going back to the “if it…

Counselling downstairs, for me, I was like, “I cannot talk about it with someone who is male,” and it ended up being someone who was male [laughing]. […] Now for me, everybody is not same,…

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