Participant 1: It would make a world of difference for a lot of people to hear, “I support whatever choice you make; these are your choices, it’s okay to do that.” Not, “you should,” necessarily,…
There is relevance to students ’cause it does give them a little bit of insight into what’s covered under it and whom they can go to, to discuss their options. Um, but it doesn’t really…
[Some people would feel] how the situation like that [of sexual assault in the university community] is handled is only relevant if you find yourself being involved in that situation, whereas [unclear] just general information…
There’s a lot of legal mumbo jumbo which might not be understandable for people who maybe have a language barrier.[…] And because it’s just so long, like, a lot of people want to find the…
The other thing I would wonder about is, what is the plan to make sure that it continues to be relevant? […]. I would think that there – or I would hope that there is…
Typically, well, men, the male demographic, are the respondents more often than [unclear]. Sexual harassment reports well – sexual harassment experienced by the male demographic usually doesn’t get reported or anything like that. [unclear] is…
My first one is, who creates the policy? Um, there’s been a lot of debate at Saint Mary’s about who should actually be creating the policy and like, is this group pre-made? Does it pop…
Having it [the report of sexual assault] on file is useful, because it speaks to a, pattern – history. If, like you said, someone might be nervous, but maybe that individual, you know, does something…
Participant 1: [Laughs] The sexual violence response team creates the policy, and the sexual violence response team also happens to be the people that enforce the policy. Um, so, it’s bad- you can’t write the…
Participant 1: I think it definitely reflects more of an institutional concern, like we discussed before, the policy is not really great for accessibility or understanding for students, especially a student in crisis. Just in…