I guess people in this group [are] saying “progressive South Indians,” but there are lot of South Indian people who wouldn’t think this progressively, and wouldn’t be comfortable with all of this, and who have…
I think in [the] situation [that a friend has been sexually assaulted], the number one thing is to just ensure them that they are loved and you hear them and you see them and you…
Like how you said, the cultures are entirely different, right? So they don’t take – like, in Canada they can’t understand how our family would react, or how that situation would affect the girl and…
When I go out of the family zone at night, parties or clubbing, that was something that my mom was concerned about. Because, inside school, I am sure that you are 100% safe, but inside…
What I personally feel is when you talk about a sexual kind of problem to your friends, like close people, their first reaction would be very impulsive and they only think in an emotional point…
Participant 1: I think the number one thing is dependability- just making sure that you are there, even if it’s just to listen so they know someone is with them during such a hard time.…
Personally for me [if I experienced sexual assault], I think sharing with a friend, or the counselling center would be more better. Obviously, as the other said, [sharing with someone] coming from a South Indian…
I just had a question. So, when comes to consent, if someone is forced to act, and the person says “no,” but you said that you can withdraw your consent and everything, but let’s say…
Where it [the policy] says, “the incident does not fit policy,” how would I know if something doesn’t fit the policy? […] Let’s say in the case of groping, what you call groping might not…
I think it’s best for [university staff involved in sexual assault response] to understand that because of where we come from, something like this- if they were to ask, “oh, why didn’t you report it?’’…