Do they do anything to help them, or do they just leave them? Like, do they provide support groups to help them and stuff like that, or do they just leave them?
Actually, I did Psychology in nursing. I mean that was 20 years ago, but it’s – every women feels the same. We may physically have different cultural backgrounds, but when it comes to sexual harassment,…
The words [in the policy] are very hard to understand, and it breaks down every – almost every difficult word. […]. Just like she said, it’s a bit bulky and no one is going to…
The tricky thing is that, yes, they [my parents] would respond positively to the policy, but at the same time, they are the kind of people that don’t want much attention drawn to themselves -…
I think that if the men [were] here, maybe the men would want to hear how I don’t want to be treated. Like one of the participants said, um, some people don’t know that its…
I think maybe they could add [to the sexual assault policy] some tips of how, if you find yourself in a situation you find unsafe or you feel like you are currently being verbally or…
My parents are very old-fashioned. If something like this was to happen to anyone in my family, they would want to make sure it wasn’t talked about. So, let’s say you choose to report; you…
Participant 1: I haven’t seen this policy and I think it’s important for all students, girls and boys, to know this information; because sometimes when someone suffers this, they don’t know what to do […].…
Something I think also happens in the Latin community is that sometimes we can be a little bit too nosy, like, we want to know what happened just for our sake, but we should be,…
If I’m a survivor I need to have a very trustworthy person who can help me with the situation I’m facing. Like, I trust them [with] my situation; they are not having any doubt about…