South East Asia
I mean the advisor, they should have the high awareness about cultural difference- about LGBT and things like that – so when they give advice it will be, you know, relevant and useful. Just like…
From my point of view, the survivor is not the problem. The problem is from the respondent; it’s not from the survivor. If you want to stop the sexual assault, we have to look at…
My parents let me come here because, to be honest, Canada is one of the safest places, most worth[while] places to live for a reason. There is a reason for it; and one of the…
[If a friend disclosed to me], before I [talk] to the victim, the survivor, I would ask myself if the survivor would like to talk to me, or are they comfortable to talk about it…
Southern Asian people don’t use much service on the campus because, as I said in the beginning, due to the cultural difference, so we are afraid of being losing face or being retaliated [against], right?
I think it is good if we can have any informal infographic or any report saying that throughout the last few years, or maybe an annual report showing how frequently the policy has been implemented…
If I’m a survivor I need to have a very trustworthy person who can help me with the situation I’m facing. Like, I trust them [with] my situation; they are not having any doubt about…
People that have the problem with sexual assault, that’s a very sensitive problem and they need an advisor uhh that to listen to their story and understand them and sympathize with them.
My best advice [for a survivor from my community] would be to go with someone you are familiar with, maybe your relatives, someone you can trust. […] Because Asian people would be really, really shy…
They should recruit some Southern Asian people so the language is much more important, because the victim should talk in their own native language so they have more confidence and they feel they are being…