I dealt with a situation and nothing came out of it
What in the policy actually ensures that there is gonna be a positive outcome to reporting or disclosing information? Because I dealt with a situation where I had to report somebody who actually followed me off-campus up to my apartment and tried to get into my apartment and I reported it and basically nothing came out of it. There was no follow-up, no meeting, no assurance about anything. So I'm just wondering, how would the victim be assured that there's action, like, a positive outcome to reporting anything?
Provide long-term support to victims/survivors through university services and/or through referals to external community-based agencies.
Within the policy and educational materials, provide information about possible timeframes for the completion of an investigation into a report of sexual assault. Deliver regular, scheduled updates on investigations to complainants and respondents. Such updates should be integrated into the policy.
Offer fictionalized but representative examples of how disclosures and reports to the university have been handled.
Identify potential interim measures, provide an indication of how these measures are selected and implemented and establish a reasonable timeframe for implementation.