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African Female

Perspectives on sexual assault

The policy is very relevant, because it has been shown that the university, mostly during the first two years, is where/when a lot of people go through sexual violence. […] So, I feel like it…

Participant 1: Yeah, people may say that this is taboo, but it is not really a taboo, because everybody can experience it, like, females, males – any type of person, you know? Facilitator: […] even…

Participant 1: I wanted to ask a question about the outcomes or the punishments for respondents. We have a couple of items here, like, you could have to go through education and training, no-contact order,…

I know sexual assault can happen at any age, but from my own experience, I feel like when – the first year of university you get caught up in the fun of party that mostly…

I feel like a good question to ask is, where the line drawn for alcohol and sexual assault is drawn. If two people are drinking and they engage in sexual activity together and one person…

I think with both my mom and dad there is a disconnect in their understanding of sexual assault. You know, when there is cases and stuff like that on TV, you know, they say stuff…

[Some people would feel] how the situation like that [of sexual assault in the university community] is handled is only relevant if you find yourself being involved in that situation, whereas [unclear] just general information…

I think men, overall, might be more dismissive of sexual violence policies, because sexual violence is often seen as a women’s problem. Um, so, men, like, sexual violence, would never be something that they would…

I think she and I [the participant and her mother] have talked about this a lot and we both have had experiences, and every woman I know, frankly, has had an experience […]. I shouldn’t…

Participant 1: I feel like if someone were to say that “sexual assault isn’t my problem”… I feel like its everyone’s problem because it can happen to anyone. And just because I’m a Sociology student…

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