Yeah, I think for East Asian people – East Asian students – they tend to be shy, or they don’t say their whole feeling. So, they should be able to understand the – how do…
One of the very first things that comes to mind is language barriers. […] If you are a secretary, staff member or someone who receives reports, my advice is to be patient and to speak…
I think the security staff and human rights officer should have sympathy, because Southeast Asians, they may hide their feelings. They want to hide their feelings and sometimes they are not ready to show them…
So my point is that our culture is very conservative. Like, Asia, or Asians, are very conservative. The society as a whole is conservative, therefore, the people are very conservative. […] Not a lot of…
Participant 2: I think cultural sensitivity training is important for anyone working in the service industry in Canada. Especially the last couple of years, many immigrants and refugees have arrived here […]. I’ve worked at…
When I report an issue, and as a victim, I don’t want the people who are listening to me is – is a man. Can they make sure that the officer or the people I…
I believe that the thoughts, and the ideology of “the victim” is created from where they grow up, or what they are being taught. So, my [suggestion] is to let […] someone who understands the…
Participant 1: I think alcohol abuse plays a big role in the situation. You know, we are coming from a place where a woman – or a male as well, you know – drinking is…
My question is, how long it would take in the investigation until the survivor feels completely safe? Because the survivor would be so scared to even go to the campus because the person [the victim/survivor]…
Our demographic tends to be very quiet about it because there is a lot of shame associated with it. Opening up about it is not acceptable and can be terrifying because you’re afraid of, “Oh,…