Yeah, along the same line as what they were saying, it is very sensitive and it is – it might – like, I can’t say for certain, but I would say due to how heavy…
For example, if I was at a party or something and I was touched inappropriately. I wasn’t groped or any […] more severe examples, but it’s just something little that I was uncomfortable with that…
Artist’s description: “All” represents collaboration and community. Between staying afloat and being protected, I wanted this work to reflect conversations held throughout the workshop. By: Dawson Berze-Butts
I think we also need not to update, but more so expand how we educate the population—the population of the Mount – on what consent is and what consent is not. […]. There needs to…
Participant 1: I don’t know if anywhere sexual education was different, but mine consisted of “Here’s a condom; don’t get people pregnant; you’ll get diseases; and your body is changing.” There was nothing about consent,…
Just make sure that they don’t rush them, because, like, it may have taken them awhile to come forward, but that doesn’t mean the second they come forward that they have to do this and…
[Some people would feel] how the situation like that [of sexual assault in the university community] is handled is only relevant if you find yourself being involved in that situation, whereas [unclear] just general information…
Typically, well, men, the male demographic, are the respondents more often than [unclear]. Sexual harassment reports well – sexual harassment experienced by the male demographic usually doesn’t get reported or anything like that. [unclear] is…
Having it [the report of sexual assault] on file is useful, because it speaks to a, pattern – history. If, like you said, someone might be nervous, but maybe that individual, you know, does something…
In the actual definition-base, I’ll take the issue with the immediate designation of those reporting assault as a “survivor.” For me, [from a] legal standpoint – just from a language stand point, [this] immediately shifts…