Having it [the report of sexual assault] on file is useful, because it speaks to a, pattern – history. If, like you said, someone might be nervous, but maybe that individual, you know, does something…
Participant 1: [Laughs] The sexual violence response team creates the policy, and the sexual violence response team also happens to be the people that enforce the policy. Um, so, it’s bad- you can’t write the…
[Since] 1990, the entire world has changed a our policy has not. Comparing it to even to other schools, like, Dalhousie and St. FX, like, their policies are quite expansive and cover a lot of…
It’s really frustrating as a student, because, it feels like they’ve, they put a brick wall between us and that policy. It feels like they’re trying to put every single barrier that they possibly can…
In the actual definition-base, I’ll take the issue with the immediate designation of those reporting assault as a “survivor.” For me, [from a] legal standpoint – just from a language stand point, [this] immediately shifts…
I think men, overall, might be more dismissive of sexual violence policies, because sexual violence is often seen as a women’s problem. Um, so, men, like, sexual violence, would never be something that they would…
I think she and I [the participant and her mother] have talked about this a lot and we both have had experiences, and every woman I know, frankly, has had an experience […]. I shouldn’t…
To be brutally honest, if one of my friends approached me with this problem, if – it would be following the stigma […] of sexual harassment – men not doing it, or not being harassed,…
I mean, when it comes to giving someone advice, you can give them advice, but most of the time, you just need to be someone to listen. If you’re giving suggestions, you can’t be insistent.…
Participant 1: It’s a very difficult thing to relive and the more you have to re-tell something, it can be very, very retraumatizing for individuals. So, for you [if you are supporting a survivor], it’s…